(Photo Credit: TrendRender "Knicks Vs. Mavs")
Lin is a true anomaly to the sports world, as characterized in the article "The Jeremy Lin Problem" by David Brooks, Lin has tried to find his middle ground of playing for himself and his team, while truly only playing for God. It seems that his play for God has brought him the showering gifts to make him a modern day version of David in the famous ancient scripture story of David slaying the Giant Goliath. While there are some doubters, and some who just can't admit that they were wrong about Lin, it's really impossible to hate the kid who only gave his high school coach a problem when his mom wouldn't let him play because he wasn't doing well enough in a class. He is a kind individual, who isn't fake, and is just enjoying his amazing ride into the magic circle of the New York Knicks locker room and Madison Square Garden. With all this in mind, and him being so unique and finding so much success, it only seems like more players who are religions should try to find a middle ground, while still realizing that there is no way to bridge the two irreconcilable sides of sports and religion and just play selflessly as hard as you can and with only a specific audience in mind, God. He is an inspiration to all the youngsters out there who think the NBA is something impossible for them to reach and succeed in. REVITALIZE THOSE DREAMS, LIN IS HERE TO SHOW YOU NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Go Lin and keep up the good work.
I still can't believe the wild ride that Jeremy Lin has taken us all on. I personally don't think its his faith, his ethnicity, or his humbleness that has taken the sports world by storm. It is his skill that continues to dazzle everyone who watches. Not even ten year veterans are putting up the numbers that Lin has amassed in his brief stint with the Knicks. I have always despised the New York Knicks, but even I have to admit to going on www.nba.com and watching game highlights. He is simply taking the world (and yes, he is now becoming a global phenomenon) by storm.
ReplyDeleteI definitely have a different perspective here considering I don't know much about sports or basketballs, but for for me, Jeremy Lin seemed a bit off. While he may be a great basketball player, I don't know think trying to find a middle ground between religion and basketball should be considered this "Jeremy Lin Problem" that you describe in this post. Religion should probably be apart of every aspect of life, not specifically basketball. What i am trying to say is that I don't think this "creative tension" should be made between religion and basketball. I personally don't see how basketball should cause more of a tension with religion than any other sport or activity in life. I am not doubting his skills as a basketball player, I know you guys are fans!